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Image by Morgan Sessions

The Healing Power ofMusic

Healed and Restored is a labor of love! Love for all the millions of victims of abuse. And in a special way for those who still find themselves paralyzed by the grips of the evil one because of such trauma.

Scripture reminds us - “If one member suffers, all suffer together.” 1 Corinthians 12:26. Now that I have found my healing, I feel it’s my responsibility to help others. While our wounds may look different, we are all looking for the same thing. We want to be loved and accepted in our woundedness.

When we have suffered much, we are more in tune with others’ suffering and are more equipped to show them the love and compassion they so desperately need as they walk on their healing journey.   I went through something terribly painful and at a very young age. However, that is only part of my life story. I believe my story has just begun, and  I refuse to allow the abuse I suffered to define me.  What defines me is the love the Father has for me and the beautiful things he planned for my life, before I was even born.  God's plans for all his beloved children go beyond our wildest imagination. 

Because of the trauma I suffered, I grew up believing I was too broken to ever amount to anything, and that God would never use me for anything purposeful. Those were all LIES! Through my healing journey I came to recognize them as such, and I no longer believe them.  God does love all his beloved daughters and sons. And out of that love for you and for me, he desires to use my story to help you heal from your own deep wounds!

When we allow God to heal us, then our past pain and suffering can become redemptive. I can’t imagine doing anything else right now other than helping other hurting souls walk their own healing journey.  Enough is enough - I’m tired of watching my brothers and sisters in Christ who have been through these traumas, live a life of self-hatred and nearly destroy themselves -mostly because they have believed in the lies the devil has instilled in them through the trauma they endured.

There are so many facets of one’s healing journey and so many different tools available to all of us that can assist with that process. My prayer is that you and I will have the courage to constantly surrender our wounds to God the Father and allow the power of the Holy Spirit’s power to bring us the healing we need and deserve. 

I would like to talk about the healing power of music. I have always loved music. Growing up in Brazil I remember that whenever there was a cookout or a family get together, someone would break out a guitar. Everyone would  sit around for hours singing and listening to music.

About 12 years ago,  a good friend of mine introduced me to praise and worship music. At this time, I was in a very dark place and dealing with depression. She suggested I try listening to worship music to help ease my pain. To say that this was a good recommendation is an understatement!   This music helped bring me back from that terrible dark place I was in.  I have been listening ever since. Music has the power to speak to the mind, emotions, and spirit.  Many of us do not understand this powerful aspect of our Lord’s creation. It is my hope that you’ll learn how to incorporate praise and worship music in your healing journey. 

My identity as God's beloved daughter was completely destroyed through the trauma of abuse. Praise and worship music is one of God’s tools that helps me understand to whom and where I belong.  I belong to Christ and so do you. He’s the one that our souls long for.

I listen to praise and worship music as I’m getting ready in the morning; when I’m cooking for my family; when I’m driving to get the kids from school or to meet a client. This type of music is very much like someone telling you part of their life story and how God has been there for them through it all.  Stories connect people, and the stories in music help us identify with the pain, while at the same time, allowing God’s healing love to work in us. 

There are so many songs I would like to introduce to you. The first one is from the band "I am They" called “Scars”. This is such a powerful song that has touched me deeply. When I heard it for the first time, I felt an instant connection to the artists.

Understanding that I no longer had to be ashamed or afraid of my scars, has  been extremely liberating. Realizing that without my scars, I probably wouldn’t even know the Lord, has made me that much more thankful for them. It’s precisely those scars that God will use to heal others from their deep wounds.


Below is a list and the video links of some of the songs that have helped me on my healing journey :


  • Scars - I am They

  • Rescue - Lauren Daigle

  • No Longer Slaves - I am They

  • Reckless Love -Cory Asbury

  • You Say - Lauren Daigle

  • Way Maker -Leeland

  • God Help Me -PLUMB

  • Lord I Need You -Matt Maher and Audrey Assad

  • He Knows My Name -Francesca Battistelli

  • Fighting For Me - Riley Clemmons

  • Nobody - Casting Crowns

  • The Father’s House- Cory Asbury

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